
We just returned from a few sunny and warm days visiting Mike Palamuso, Tom’s son, in Seattle. What a wonderful city.

It’s a very long plane flight with a stopover in Chicago. I passed the time from Buffalo to Chicago sketching my surroundings in my new Moleskin. Used three different Pigma Micron pen sizes for clarity and interest.

on the plane

This is me sketching at the Thursday afternoon Queen Anne Farmers Market. Great food choices for lunch.  I had fish chowder. Really good. I look so serious.

Carol in Seattle

Here’s the sketch, using watercolor pencils, Derwent Inktense, with water! Very bright. Same Moleskin and Pigma Micron pens.

Queen Anne Market

Lots of exploring with Mike. This is the view from Magnolia Boulevard.

Magnolia Blvd overlook

Tom and I stopped first in Columbia City for a visit to my favorite store, Green Eileen! OMG. After lunch we drove to Seward Park for a great view of Mt. Rainier over Lake Washington.

Mt Rainier and Lake Washington

Our hotel in lower Queen Anne, the Mediterranean Inn, had a fabulous rooftop view. The view from our room looked in the opposite direction up Queen Anne hill. 

Seattle skyline

up Queen Anne

It felt good to sketch everyday.  Going to keep it up while we’re home. Buffalo is full of interesting places and views, vistas and details.